Namecard and Flyer Printing

Flyer Printing and Namecards

We are pleased to offer Namecards and Flyer Printing to our customers, with one of the best pricing in Singapore. The namecards and flyers are printed on premium material, in full-colour double-sided print. Find out more on the Namecards & Flyers page of our website. Many marketers and brand owners use flyers for their marketing collaterals. They are light and can be placed in the palms of your customers. Giving them to customers as they pass you at your exhibition booth will stop them momentarily. Customers will stop to look at you even if for a mere second. That is all that matters sometimes. Stopping them in their tracks gives you the opportunity to strike up a conversation. The simplest question such as "Shopping for a new fridge, sir?" is enough to create a conversation. Utilise the power of the flyer to be the ice-breaker.


It's wise of course to always keep in mind the cardinal rule. People just hate to be sold to. So don't come off as overly sales-y. Share information. Educate. Create awareness. These are better ways to present your company to a new prospect, rather than direct hardline sales. New prospects are cold leads. They need to know why they should give your company a chance and why they should award the sale to you. Fill up the content of your flyer with more information and educate them why your company is the right choice for them. All the best and please do let us know how we can serve you in your marketing needs!
Flyer Printing - The Bannerstand People Flyer Printing - The Bannerstand People
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